Competition and Antitrust Law

We advise our clients on expanding their borders effectively and within the law, in order to avoid raising red flags around the creation of monopolies or other risky and costly behaviors. Our strategic advice is an asset for any company, as we guide them through the entire process of integration or restructuring, in order to fulfill all of the competent authorities’ requirements; from properly notifying transactions, to managing authorizations. Likewise, we offer our clients representation as plaintiff or defense in litigation for unfair competition or accusations of alleged monopoly creation.


Our counsel in terms of unfair competition protects and defends our clients in cases of customer diversion, confusion, deceit, discredit, comparison, imitation, exploitation of others’ reputation, breaches in confidentiality, among others. The firm performs forensic analysis of electronic devices to identify theft of insider information, know-how or industrial secrets. We manage and report each of these eventualities to the Industry and Commerce Super Intendance, or to the competent jurisdiction, in the most agile and efficient way.


At Velasco Ordonez we are convinced that complying with competition and antitrust laws is essential to maintaining a business’ reputation. We know that applying competition law in specific situations can be complex and that the relevant legislation may vary across different jurisdictions, that’s why we guide our clients carefully and strategically, protecting their assets and reputation at the lowest possible cost.

Our services include:


  • Legal counsel on business mergers.
  • Counsel in cases of unfair competition and restrictive commercial practices.
  • Representation in litigation for cases of unfair competition.
  • Research into cartels.
  • Forensic analysis of electronic devices to identify theft of privileged information, know how or trade secrets.